RE: Adding Links

This is my reply to Christina's question of how to add links in the "Little-May" template. I added this as a separate post cos' can't add lots of html in comment section and this is better for whoever want to know as well. There are two main link sections in the template. The top navigations and side bar links.

To add links to top bar tabs, you have to look for

<div id="navigation">

It's in line 522 of the template. I've added 5 default tabs there as a list menu.
The following is a code for creating one tab. eg. About

<a class="menu" href="#" title="About"><b class="snazzy"><span class="boxcontent violet">About</span>
<b class="b4 violet"></b><b class="b3 violet"></b><b class="b2 violet"></b><b class="b1"></b>

You have to add your link in "#" of the above list item. eg.

To add links in your side bar, look for

<div id="sidebar">

that's where all your side links and information go.

You can add link titles using:

<h2 class="sidebar-title">Title of Link List</h2>

and the actual links using:

<li><a href="#" title="link title goes here">Link Name Goes Here</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="link title goes here">Link Name Goes Here</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="link title goes here">Link Name Goes Here</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="link title goes here">Link Name Goes Here</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="link title goes here">Link Name Goes Here</a></li>

For gallery, you need a Flickr account where you create your photosets which are used to create photo badges. You just add those generated photo badge codes in a new post and link to that post as a gallery link.

Hope this help. :)


Anonymous said...

It`s been so long since I visited this site and I completely forgot I asked you that question. But THANK YOU very much, it really did help. You really should create more when you find the time, you`re incredibly talented and the templates are definetly something special. Cheers and THANK YOU again!