A Team Japan ant dribbles up the pitch with an eye on goal during the Ant World Cup, held at the Kashihara City Insectarium in Nara Prefecture on May 26. (Mainichi)
I don't know what else to say but are they crazy or are they crazy??
The Camponotus obscuripes ants, known as Muneaka-oari in Japanese, measured between 7 and 12 mm long. They played using a 1 cm ball on a pitch 20 by 30 cm.
In the wild, the ants recognize enemies by their pheromones. The organizers of the game used this natural ability to make the ants "ant-agonize" each other, by feeding the Japanese team with Kagoshima pork and the Brazilian team with spare ribs in order to alter the ants' pheromones.
Technorati Tags: World Cup, Soccer, Ants Cup, Football, Insects, Games
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