
Gosh this is beautiful! But don't look at it too closely.
Beautiful creations from the dirty things.

Porn Flowers
Porn Flowers

Chinese-American artist Yun Bai makes "porn flower" collages from adult magazine snippets. She laquers them together to create trompe l'oeil scenes that look like traditional mother-of-pearl tableaus at a distance. Up close, however, you can see the dirty bits.

Artist Site:
Via: Boing Boing

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Roasted Garlic Recipe

Oh yuck yuck yuck!!!
I mean the look of it. No nothing to do with garlic, it's just that I got this forwarded rubbish email which I unfortunately and stupidly opened to see this infected breast with all those holes and things poking made me so sick in the stomach and it looks like this garlic. Damn!

Roasted Garlic

how to roast garlic whole and eat the warm, toasty cloves right out of the head. How wonderfully simple! And perfect for garlic lovers.

roasted garlic Garlic Recipe

Why did I ever have to see that.
No offence to the chefs and the recipe, just that it's totally off my liking.
I can't stand the look of it.

Link:Simply Recipes: Roasted Garlic Recipe

Blow Monkey Nail Dryer

My Gosh! I can't believe inventing useless silly things like this, Spank This Monkey: He Really Blows, and some crazy people actually buy it. You need a toy dryer to dry your nail!!!
Ok I don't paint my nails and I don't know about how serious work it is to dry it but this is just so stupid to get a dryer for your nails!

Stroke his banana to turn him on? Full of Shit!

Monkey nail dryer

Do you want to touch my monkey? The Blow Monkey Nail Dryer is designed to dry your freshly-applied nail polish with the touch of a button that’s positioned between the little guy’s legs.

Hey, whaddaya know, that button looks like a bunch of bananas! Don’t get me started—stroke his banana and it turns him on? You’ve got to be kidding me. Straight from a British junk shop called BoysStuff, this little chimp runs on three AAA batteries and costs about $8.

Link: Spank This Monkey: He Really Blows

Why service is delayed in a five-star hotel

Reason why you would never visit a 5* Hotel!!

Question : "What would you like to have ..Fruit juice, Soda, Tea, Chocolate,
Milo, or Coffee?"
Answer: "tea please"
Question : " Ceylon tea, Herbal tea, Bush tea, Honey bush tea, Ice tea or green tea ?"
Answer : "Ceylon tea "
Question : "How would you like it ? black or white ?"
Answer : "white"
Question : "Milk, Whitener, or Condensed milk ?"
Answer : "With milk "
Question: "Goat milk, Camel milk or cow milk"
Answer : "With cow milk please.
Question: " Milk from Freeze land cow or Afrikaner cow?"
Answer: " Um, I'll take it black. "
Question : " Would you like it with sweetener, sugar or honey?"
Answer : "With sugar"
Question : " Beet sugar or cane sugar ?"
Answer : "Cane sugar "
Question :" White , brown or yellow sugar ?"
Answer : "Forget about tea just give me a glass of water instead."
Question : "Mineral water or still water ? "
Answer : "Mineral water"
Question: "Flavored or non-flavored ?"
Answer : "I'll rather die of thirst

Drawing a Girl Animation

Check this step by step drawing of a girl. Very smart artist. I just love those eyes and the lips.
I wish I could draw like that. The image is animated one and the file is about 1M+ so if you have slow net then gotta wait a while to see the animation but I added the finished one below.

Animated step by step drawing of a girl

Finished drawing
Drawing a girl

I got this quite a while back and lost the image+where I got it from. Just now I found it back so apologies for not being able provide the link.

Dog Calendar

dog calendarThis is just so cute, the dogs modeling for calendar. :P

We made some custom sets and took a bunch of pics to make a dog calendar with Wolfie & Pearl. These were taken before we got Mia.

My dog at home won't even sit still for 2sec. They're just so nice in those settings.

dog calendar Dog Calendar

Link: Dog Calendar
Via: Flickr

The Best Word Book Ever

Best word bookI got this, "The Best Word Book Ever", via eric meyar links I think, it's a very cute word book for kids comparing the 1963 and 1991 editions. It's very interesting how things changes over time, for eg. in this page, milkman(63) transform to taxi driver(91), cowboy(63) to scientist(91) etc.

Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever, 1963 vs 1991 editions (with revisions). The 1963 edition is my own, bought for me in the late 60's when I was a toddler, and read to tatters. The 1991 edition belongs to my kids today. I was so familar with the older one that I immediately started noticing a few differences, and so have catalogued 14 of the more interesting differences here in this collection.

best word book ever

You should go through all the pages and read through comments below. You'll find it pretty interesting. :)
Oh do place your mouse over the image and see that cool effect which points out the differences between two version.
Link: Best Word Book

Check your mind

Take a look at the picture first...
So, what did you see?

Now proceed and read below to find an explanation of what you really saw.


Ok good, my mind is not that bad yet. :D
I see 9 dolphins in about 5 sec time.

Research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such scenario. What they will see are the nine dolphins.

Additional note: This is a test to determine if you already have a corrupted mind. If it's hard for you to find the dolphins within 3 seconds, your mind is indeed corrupted.

So can you see them? How long does it take you?
I bet you're way dirty minded than me. Haha.

Link: Do you have dirty mind

Beautiful Paper Works

Damn, you gotta see this. This is incredibly beautiful and great art works by artist Peter Callesen.
This one is from Korean site (I think), the artist site doesn’t provide much images.
I like the ladder, so tall, standing like that… the dress cool…and the web…just amazing.

Paper Art
Paper Work

Link: Paper arts

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12 sided calander

This is gonna be somewhat fun to making 12 sided calander paper ball.
You can even choose from a few languages. There are two types: Calendar on a regular dodecahedron which needs glue to stick the sides and Calendar on a rhombic dodecahedron doesn't need glue at all. I think I prefer the one without the need of glue.

12 sided calander

Link: 12 sided calendar
Via: Paper Forest

Theme "Little-May" Release

I'm glad to announce the release of my very first theme "Little-May". You can choose it from two different versions : Pink and Grey. Due to a number of complaints from reviewers, I have added grey version to suit male users.

Little Mayvelous Things Regesign 27Dec05littlemay-grey Theme

These themes are released under creative common license share alike. You can use in any non commercial sites. Please link back to me or give proper credit for your usage.


Little-May (Pink) Little-May (Grey)
Download Little-May Pink Download Little-May Grey


  1. Unzip the content of the downloaded zip file and read the “Readme.txt” file,
  2. Login to your Blogger account and go to “Template” tab,
  3. Copy and backup your current template contents to some text file,
  4. Open “Little-May.txt” and copy the contents to blogger “Template”area.
  5. Click “Save Template Changes” button then “Publish” to update your blog with “Little-May” theme.

Thank you.

Edited: # Adding Linking to the template

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Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Resolution for 2006

I don't normally keep new year resolution but only make mental note cos' most of the time I hardly fulfill my resolution. So why bother keep one rite? :D Anyway just reading this "How To Make Resolutions You’ll Keep" from lifehack and thought of reasonable resolution for me to keep this year.

This is a time when people make resolutions and think about the changes they plan for the year ahead. 2005 is past; 2006 is lit by a glow of anticipation. The world of blogs is replete with suggestions for suitable resolutions, notes on how best to implement them and motivational pieces to get you started.

I don't want to do keep too big stuffs, I only gonna try the followings this year:

  • To wake up early,
  • To do the laundry regularly
  • To write, read, post, work better
  • To help my mom
  • Not to fight with anyone

Ok, That's it for me and I think those I can. Oh yah HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006!